
new clothes.

it's time for a new wardrobe! we found some nice fall fashion items we would like to share with you. many thanks to our great model, ELLA the torso. 

MNG:    oversized cotton cardigan            € 39,99. 
MNG:    contrast inserts blouse              € 29,99.
MNG:    taupe scarf                          € 16,99. 
F21:    sheer longline shirt                 € 19,95. 



buonasera a tutti!

today we've decided to make some spinach noodles, our favourite meal! actually it's esthers favourite meal, I just love cooking it. what followed was a range of desserts, of course. the end of the evening was characterized by us lying around and esther filming exactly that. we ended up watching soundtracks of old childhood tv-series and were pretty emotional. mainly because we were drinking a slightly alcoholic drink called 'sturm', I guess, which is a typical austrian beverage. you'll see it in the pictures below! :) so, enjoy!

video . esthoria . pasta