
the eleventh month.

time really shoots right by. especially the last three months of the year. there's so much to, and not much time to do it in. wasn't it just end of summer, when we were taking long walks in the park, ate strawberry ice cream and wore floral dresses? now it's already the eleventh month of the year. leafs have already started to fall, the air is getting crisp and you can almost hear the christmas bells ringing. but before that happens, we'd still like to appreciate and enjoy the third season of the year. we present to you-

autumn. the year's last, loveliest smile.


new clothes.

it's time for a new wardrobe! we found some nice fall fashion items we would like to share with you. many thanks to our great model, ELLA the torso. 

MNG:    oversized cotton cardigan            € 39,99. 
MNG:    contrast inserts blouse              € 29,99.
MNG:    taupe scarf                          € 16,99. 
F21:    sheer longline shirt                 € 19,95. 



buonasera a tutti!

today we've decided to make some spinach noodles, our favourite meal! actually it's esthers favourite meal, I just love cooking it. what followed was a range of desserts, of course. the end of the evening was characterized by us lying around and esther filming exactly that. we ended up watching soundtracks of old childhood tv-series and were pretty emotional. mainly because we were drinking a slightly alcoholic drink called 'sturm', I guess, which is a typical austrian beverage. you'll see it in the pictures below! :) so, enjoy!

video . esthoria . pasta


san francisco.

hey guys! how've you been? we are so sorry for not being able to post anything on this blog for more than a month now. our summer's been pretty busy if you can believe it! we've spent two whole weeks in SFC in september and had an amazing time! we would like to share some pictures with you now, finally, and again apologize for our long absence.
have a nice week! :)

                                     E & V